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An Introduction to Eccentricity!

Victorian Opera invites you to choose your favourite quack, fantasist, fake, or fop! Step into the whimsical world of the English Eccentrics and show your support for the VO Emerges Program by making a donation towards a kooky character.

Are you a mad scientist? Or more of a royal imposter? No matter which eccentricity speaks to you, your support will help us continue to cultivate pathways for emerging artists through work with Victorian Opera.

Your tax-deductible gift will contribute to the success of productions such as English Eccentrics, ensuring that young artists receive the training, mentorship and resources they need to thrive in their artistic journeys. Thank you for creating a lasting impact on the world of opera and the next generation of artists.

With a gift of $500 or above, you will be invited to join our enthusiastic Patron family and participate in events through our Patrons’ Engagement Program.