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Key Dates

Monday 23 October 2023
Subscriptions on sale (all shows)
Candide Pre-Sale Single Tickets

Thursday 26 October 2023
Candide Single Tickets on sale

Monday 13 November 2023
Single tickets on sale (remaining shows)

Monday 15 April 2024
In-theatre Full Subscription packages no longer available online

Monday 8 July 2024
Palais Bundle on sale – La Rondine (The Swallow) and Eucalyptus


Explore Season 2024

Subscribe and save

Subscribe to Season 2024 and receive exclusive benefits, including a 20% discount, priority booking period, dedicated customer service, flexibility with free exchanges, and on-demand viewing of Digital Access performances included for free.

There is a price level to suit all budgets and the full range of benefits apply to all subscriptions.

In-theatre Full Subscription packages are no longer available to purchase online. 

Our Palais Bundle and Digital Access Subscription packages can be purchased here here.

For assistance with Subscriptions including exchanges and additions to your existing booking, please phone the Victorian Opera Subscription line on 1300 822 849 (Monday to Friday, 10:00 am – 4:30 pm).

Subscriber benefits

Enjoy a range of benefits when you subscribe.

Best Pricing.
Buy early and lock in your savings. All subscription tickets attract a 20% saving compared to Single Ticket pricing.

Priority Ticketing.
Book a subscription to guarantee priority treatment. Subscribers have first access during the priority period. This is the best way to secure the best seats for your choice of shows.

Flexibility and Convenience.
Buy your tickets in advance; if your plans change, simply choose another date. Subscribers have the exclusive advantage of easy, fee-free ticket exchanges to suit any change in circumstances.

Prices Guaranteed.
Subscription prices will not change throughout the season. Single Ticket prices may vary.

Friends and Family Discount.
Share the joy of a Victorian Opera performance with your friends and family. Purchase additional tickets to all shows with a 10% discount.

Complimentary Digital Access

Love the show? Watch it again at your convenience. All subscribers receive free on-demand Digital Access viewing for relevant performances purchased as part of their in-theatre subscription.

Dedicated Customer Service.
For Subscription assistance, call 1300 822 849 to speak to our ticketing team (Monday to Friday, 10.00 am – 4.30 pm).